First Stirrings (1-2 February)

A Quiet Awakening

Finding the time to rest and slow down is an essential part of life in the coldest, darkest part of the year. By early February, subtle but welcome signs of growth emerge from the frost. Halfway between Yule, the Winter Equinox, and Ostara, the Spring Equinox, Imbolc foretells the awakening of a new annual cycle.

Daffodils (Narcissus) sprouting through snow at Mallow Rose Cottage, Spring 2023
Daffodils (Narcissus) sprouting through snow at Mallow Rose Cottage, Spring 2023
Burrowing Down

Groundhog Day traces its origin back to Pennsylvania Dutch settlers, who adapted their annual ritual from similar Germanic traditions. Every year on February 2, the revered rodent Punxsutawney Phil drowsily emerges from his cozy burrow to predict the arrival of Spring—live on television. If he sees his shadow and scurries back underground, then six more weeks of Winter lay ahead.

Groundhogs (or woodchucks) only live in North America, so badgers fill the same role in weather divination in the Old World. Though primarily associated with European settlers, Groundhog Day also has connections to the Indigenous Lenape culture of that region from which the name of the town Punxsutawney descends. In the stony outcrops of Chimney Rock currently live two groundhogs named Potato and Yam (affectionately known as Tater and Yammy) who make prognostications of their own.

Celtic mythology also teaches that clear weather on Imbolc allows for Beira, the goddess of Winter also known as the Cailleach, to gather more branches to burn for the next six weeks until the length of daylight overtakes the night.

Likely assimilated from Pagan practices, the Christian holiday of Candlemas celebrates the symbolic presence of light inside. Churches have traditionally blessed candles during this holiday, while Irish Catholics also celebrate Saint Brigid’s Day to honor an ancient deity of many talents. Imbolc takes its name from the Gaelic festival honoring this goddess of Spring, fire, poetry, blacksmithing, healing, and protection.

Daffodils, crocus, iris, and more begin to emerge from the otherwise barren ground in preparation for the return of Persephone. As the Greek goddess of flowers and death, she reminds the world of the cyclical nature of life on Earth.

Marmot in Guanella Pass, Colorado Summer 2016
Marmot in Guanella Pass, Colorado Summer 2016
Seeds of Intention

In anticipation for the return of Spring, some folks gather rushes or reeds from nature to fold into Brigid’s crosses. Imbolc presents an ideal time to visit sacred sites for divination about the year ahead, or perhaps to seek guidance on planning for the future.

Blessing seeds to plant in the coming months and germinating them inside can build excitement for the conclusion of Winter. Raising a garden from seed also works like an elaborate spell, through which any intent can find a way to manifest.

Foreshadowings of Spring

Even though Winter still hovers over the mountains with frost and snow, some plants awaken to peel back their blanket of leaves and greet the light. Depending on the region, bulbs such as snowdrops might be the first to emerge, while flower buds on dormant trees swell with pastel color. Just a few more weeks will turn the icy touch of Winter into memory.

Preparing to sow the first seeds of Spring at Mallow Rose Cottage, Spring 2023
Preparing to sow the first seeds of Spring at Mallow Rose Cottage, Spring 2023


We are currently in the process of searching for a new location to lay our foundation.


We believe all creatures are beautiful. Anyone is welcome to join our community of nature worshippers.